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Setting Alternate Aim Point for 3D Lenticular Photography
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Setting Alternate Aim Point for 3D Lenticular Photography

Setting an alternate Aim Point for lenticular 3D images.  Aligning stereoscopic images for 3D lenticular.

An alternate aim point can be selected by adjusting the alignment of the cropping in relation to the center of the composition.  In the previous example the aim point was the sphere.  The aim point can be altered to be the pyramid by aligning the center of the cropping with the pyramid.  Increasing the off-center cropping moves the aim point towards the camera while decreasing the off-center cropping moves the aim point away from the camera.  The following animations show the cropping that will set the aim point to the pyramid and cube, the cropped or aligned image sequence and a cross-eyed stereo image pair.

Pyramid Aim Point
Off-Center cropping.

3D Image sequence ready to interlace.

Cross-eyed stereo pair of first and last frame.

Cube Aim Point
Off-Center cropping.

3D Image sequence ready to interlace.

Cross-eyed stereo pair of first and last frame.

Note:Aim point adjustment must be performed inorder for the finished lenticular image to have depth that receeds into the surface.  The aim point starts at infinity, i.e. no off-center adjustment, and moves towards the camera, i.e. lenticular image surface, as the amount of off-center adjustment increases.

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Last Updated:2016/05/20 15:11:38